
Showing posts from April, 2020


Dear Friends, For 10 good years, this blog has been an online portfolio and a constant confidant. A decade wasn't easy but we have to move forward - to be better, change, and achieve greater heights. Starting today, I will be permanently moving to . Some of my past posts were imported to the site and some will remain here. The new site will be the new piece on the web that shall carry my random musings and readings; and of course, to serve as a professional and official online portfolio as a social entrepreneur and an environmental journalist. Though it is quite painful to leave this blog, I know that moving to the next will bring me better output. I cannot wait to see all of you there. Shainne

OPINION: Suspending Online Classes and Ending the Semester Early due to COVID-19

Not all students share the same privilege. Some students are working too simultaneous with their studies to suffice their need for allowance and pay other expenses. Some have parents who are on a no-work, no-pay setup; and not all have the means to access classes online (unless they have signed up for it since the very beginning; unless it was explained to them during the enrollment process - this way, they know what they got into.) Ending the semester early is not a disrespect to the academic calendar, especially that we are in the middle of a health crisis. Postponing school activities at this point is not being lazy. It is for everyone's safety.  Universities and other Colleges must decide now who they are and what they want to project: Student-centered? Faculty-centered? Admin-centered? Who are your biggest stakeholders? What you decide on during this crisis will say a lot about the core values you want to embody. It will also decide the fate of the institution for t...

WWF: Public call for governments to close S.E Asia's wildlife markets in response to COVID-19, WWF survey finds.

MEDIA RELEASE FROM THE WORLD WILDLIFE FUND (WWF) dated April 7, 2020.  April 7, 2020  - This World Health Day, as the world grapples with the worst public health emergency in recent memory, over 90 percent of respondents surveyed in Southeast Asia and Hong Kong support a government-led closure of illegal and unregulated wildlife markets, according to new research for WWF.  The recent outbreak of COVID-19 has brought the link between zoonotic diseases - those transmitted from animals to humans - and wildlife markets into sharp focus. A survey conducted in March among 5,000 participants from Hong Kong SAR, Japan, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam found that 82 percent of respondents are extremely or very worried about the outbreak, with 93 percent of respondents in Southeast Asia and Hong Kong supporting action by their governments to eliminate illegal and unregulated markets.  Questions remain about the exact origins of COVID-19, but the World Health Organiz...