How to Deal with Depression + Frustation
The reason why I put 'frustration' is because it is the package - the real deal. We might sometime wonder if what we are feeling is just frustration or already depression. Me, personally, it starts with the F and eventually falls on to the D. It's hard to differentiate, specifically when you are taking too much.
No one would ever exactly understand what you are going through when you are suffering from depression. Your friends may tell you nice words to live by, though it may help your feelings to be a lighter yet the 'emptiness' you feel is not sure to go away.
We can't tell those who are/were depressed don't/didn't try to get better. We can't say that they didn't do everything they can to understand what's going on around them. We can't factually discredit that they didn't approach the reasons why they are feeling what they are feeling now... because they did. They did all the best they can. But sometimes, the 'feeling' don't just go away.
Admitting and accepting are the hardest parts of dealing with depression and frustration. We all want to tell ourselves that it's just now, it's just a day, it's just a bad call or a bad time and it will go away later, tomorrow, and the day after that. Yet, seeing or remembering why we are depressed and frustrated can't make anything go away especially if there's no development.
Dealing with depression and frustration is the next challenge. How can you feel better when no one dares to listen? When no one cares to understand? How can you get back on track when there's always a defense from them that you should not feel what you feel? That you are wrong for 'feeling' it? That you are actually the problem and you should be the one to blame why you are in your rut right now?
For those of you who haven't gone to anything like this, may this be a guide for you to fill in the shoes of your loved ones who are experiencing both challenges. Those who are in this situation should:
1. Take one day at a time
Rome wasn't build in a day and so does your pain, emptiness, or whatever it is you are feeling. Learn not to be too hard on yourself and just keep on trying to make yourself better if no one ever does.
2. Do your own thing
Do everything that can ease you from your current dilemma. Learn a new sport, try a new hobby, be with people who make you happy, and try hard to avoid the reasons why you are depressed or frustrated. After all of this, you can get back to your old self and the rewards are priceless.
3. Do not be afraid to show your feelings
The more we suppress it, the more it reveals. Hiding what you truly feel won't make you any better. You have to let it out to let it pass; you have to let it pass to let it go, and you have to let it go to move on and start brand new.
4. If no one dares to understand what you are feeling, let them be. Save yourself.
If you don't do it for yourself, who will? There are a lot of people who are thankful that you are with them - your family, closest friends, or your pet. Those who can't understand (even though you love them so much and can't live without them) can take the most available parking in your garage first. Park them first and go with the people you personally know can understand you and won't judge you whilst you're at it.
5. Keep your faith
To strengthen your will to go on and be happy, keep you faith in the Lord and He will sure give you the enlightenment you needed. You might not feel it now but he sure have a bigger purpose why.
Depression and frustration aren't easy to deal with. More often than not, it will take a toll on you. If you are going through something, just go on and don't take any shortcut. Be in the process and promise yourself to be better. Stick with those who can understand. Above anything else, all you need is a good support system. In fact, you can find it within you.
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