Woman, you have the right

Way back in time, women are viewed and perceived as property of men. Hence, they constitute to consider and oblige to take on words/actions from their husbands, coherent that they are deliberate and designed as men's possession.

Later on, equality and fairness took place and promoted. Gender wise, stability, ethnic race or group, intelligence, market placement and value, so on and so forth. Concentrating now on gender equality, referring from past facts ventures, women get the same as men - no higher entities, no more stronger and weaker. In a nutshell, fair.

To consitute...
(1) According to UN Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women of 1993, it states that:
"Violence against women is a manifestation of historically unequal power relations between men and women, which had led to domination over and discrimination against women by men and to prevention of the full advancement of women, and that violence against women is one of the crucial social mechanisms by which women are forced into a subordinate position compared with men."

(2) Circa 1870s, the courts of United States stopped to recognize the common-law principle that a husband had the audacity and the right to physically chastise an errant wife. (3) Types of Violence are Rape, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Emotional Abuse, Human Trafficking to name a few.

In January 10, 1949, John and Dorothy Boreman welcomed a daughter named Linda Susan Boreman, better known as Linda Lovelace, an American pornographic actress. She was famous by her breakthrough hardcore porn film, Deep Throat in 1972.

At 20, Linda gave birth to a child but never had the chance to nurture the kid. Her mother had the child adopted by another family. As the era partying, disco, sex and rock and roll took place, Linda savor the phase like everyone else did. That night then when she met Chuck Traynor was the start of the experiences that changed and marked her life forever.

Moving out from her home, Traynor and Boreman lived together and eventually got married. Traynor became Boreman's not just a husband but also a manager and a whoremonger or pimp.

In dire need of money, Traynor used Boreman as a form of business. He pimped her to men for sex in exchange for money, he then auditioned Boreman for a porn role, which led her to the role Linda Lovelace in the hardcore porn film Deep Throat and became one of the great porn superstars of her time. Boreman forgot what she was truly was, digested and fixed to become Linda Lovelace because her husband, Traynor told her so.

She thought of quitting porn a lot of times but her husband always point a gun at her. Built with a weak point and frightened of her husband, Boreman oblige to follow.

Physically, verbally and all-over abused came to sink into Boreman's being. She then seek help from her film producer and reiterated every little abused she experienced from Traynor.

Years later, Boreman got married to Larry Marchiano and had children. Marchiano accepted and supported Boreman through whatever she encountered with Traynor.

In 1980, her book Ordeal got published. Boreman had the rundown of her dark experiences in the said book. Right after, she joined the anti-pornography movement, uplift and fought women's rights.

Linda Lovelace (2013) 
video from Youtube

No woman deserves to be maltreated, whether physically or verbally, nothing like this will ever count if it is maltreatment. Every woman deserves to be taken good care of, respected and uplifted at all times. Nobody has the right to hurt a woman no matter what grounds it would be.

Chin up, Woman. Stand up for your rights.

(1) and (2) History of violence against women http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violence_against_women
(3) Types of violence against women http://www.womenshealth.gov/violence-against-women/types-of-violence/


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