
Showing posts from March, 2020

An Open Letter to our Leaders: When Aggressiveness is Key, and Caliber is of Importance

Aggressiveness, in the positive and leadership context, can be defined as 'readiness to engage in daring or difficult activity,'  or the 'quality or state of being forceful.' It can also be synonymous with action, initiative, drive, emphasis,  and fierceness . In this time of Public Health Emergency due to the pandemic Coronavirus or COVID-19 and its confirmed cases, there is nothing more reassuring right now than the voice of our leaders declaring safety measures, plans, and communicating the current state of the organization and imperative actions to be performed keeping the well-being of his/her people in his/her thoughts - and yes, in a prompt manner. We need aggressive leaders - the ones who are passionate, present, and exuberant. We need leaders of caliber - the ones who do not only have degrees to boast but with emphatic strategies that uplift the morale and ensures the welfare of the organization; the ones who do not tolerate mediocrity; the ones who constan...