On Challenging Your Assumptions With the Right Principles and Integrity
Since that I have started a new semester for my Master's degree, I went back to various lessons from certifications I took up before I finally decided to get on board for (even) higher education. Quite surprisingly, I found past assignment, notes, and even exams, helpful - as it gives me more idea and insights as to make a good argument and ask the right questions. Last year, I took up a certification on Media Literacy in believing that in this era, we all need to be media literate. Media is already acting like oxygen in our daily lives hence it is very important to put it on the priority list of something we need to understand or learn more. I found my Media Literacy Week 6 Blog Post activity yet again and I think it is worth sharing here. ------- www.mediactive.com Don't Just Consume Media. Use it. To my colleagues, friends, student assistants and to the student publication, I am very pleased to be with you all in every step of the way as we, individuals in the ...