Estancia Resort Hotel, Tagaytay City
"Your work is your art and your art is your craft." As Tina Fey rolled it. I couldn't agree more. When I finished my Bachelor's Degree, of course, I have to identify what will come right after and I have to say that planning all of these wasn't easy. We always wonder what we need to do next and next and next. You just have to keep going and getting stuck wouldn't be your option. *deep breath* Blessed enough, I could say, well... maybe, I'm one of those people who can practice their craft having way too fun and loving every detail of it. It was a choice to pursue Marketing and Communication, and somehow between that, the universe luckily threw that option to me, shove it in my face and I went for it. Of course, there are so many things going on for me aside from that - additional academic units, writing, journalism, and many other things. The perks of work are fascinating and working with intelligent people is one of those, traveling comes next and the ...