Project Happiness
This weekend, I want to open up a Project Happiness that will run here on my blog for the whole 2014. I started blogging way way before, I tried different platforms and it all became an outlet for me to share my happiness, sorrows, other related emotions and activities online - even anything under the sun... from politics to mostly personal. I'm happy with the simple things I have now so I just to share it via this platform. I have been busy about work and life in general after I graduated and I didn't have too much time to write, take a lot of sensible photos and travel. This year I want to do all of those, starting little by little then make it big. Project Happiness: Movies I have yet to see (or seen) this year Travels Workout People Books Nature And everything else in between. First entry for my Project Happiness would be my week program to be in shape, be healthy and gain weight - be sexy! Hahaha! Yesterday, I went to the grocery to buy food for the entire...