A Great Music Drive Thru, Eraserheads
We've witnessed and still experiencing their band's success. Turning on to the 90s, well, some of us were still little way back then, but they still brought in the universal hint of their music and art up until today. Eraserheads or E-heads for some was one of the most influential and successful bands of the 90s. Formed by Ely Buendia, Buddy Zabala, Marcus Adoro and Raimund Marasigan, Eraserheads couldn't be taken away from the history of OPM. Bombarded with so many awards and nominations in the music industry, E-heads made it to the top and won those prestigious music distinctions. After more than a decade of rhythm and grace, the band called it quits, had so many tributes by the bands of the new generation and cling to have reunions to sphere off the band's demand. Though the members set to live different paths, their still on the same industry that made them paramount - music. Contrived to different bands of today, made hopes for the new generation of music a...