Halloween 2011
Last night was really great, felt like everything was good. The kids went around the neighborhood in their costumes with their cute buckets and jack-o-lantern stuff, asking for candies with the "happy Halloween!" shouts. Some of them looked-like Disney Princesses, pirates, monsters, witches and cartoon characters, they really looked cute and awesome. The neighborhood annually celebrates a Halloween party including the trick or treat adventure of cute kids to different houses around our village. I hope I could join the trick or treat too, I want to be a kid again; when I was little we didn't have this kind of Halloween celebration in the neighborhood, my cousins and I were just scaring ourselves out because of the monsters and different spirits that actually claiming presence during this season. My cousin once told me that some of the spirits were impertinent and others were really good, I don't know if I shall believe those but apparently some of them were really ha...