The Cinderella Rules
I'm starting to like the book "The Cinderella Rules" by Donna Kauffman (author of The Big Bad Wolf Tells All). The book is actually right that there's really a little bit of Cinderella in every woman except for Darby Landon (the lead character in the book), I think we have a lot of things in common, that would make us not a really Cinderella at all. More comfortable in jeans than designer gowns, wearing sneakers than stilettos, and so on. I'm so concern about girl's state of affairs. That in fact, I really don't like the idea that a guy is jerking a girl or thoughts like guys are just like morons screwing girls and will leave them in just a snap of their fingers. A part in the book is a Cinderella checklist, I think it can help girls to decide what should be done to be happy and feel like real princess and to have a Prince Charming who'd still see them gorgeous even they are not wearing any make up on. A Cinderella Checklist Do ... dress the p...