To 2nd Tri and beyond!


2 days left and I'm saying goodbye to my first trimester. The first tri was full of worries and I think up until the end I won't stop worrying or I may be worrying even more. Haha! But I'm happy to report that I didn't experience much of the morning sickness, dizziness, headache and such. It was hard to distinguish whether I'm pregnant or just my normal self sleeping a lot. I'm a sleeper so it was just ~normal~. 

We had a check-up last week and we heard the heart beat again via doppler scan. It was amazing. I was freaking out first because the nurse and the my OB couldn't locate the baby at first try. It turned out he/she was just shy. At 12 weeks, I'm kind of showing but been getting compliments that I just look full/busog. I wish I could say the same on the next weeks and months to come. I'm feeling energetic and started gaining weight like I'm supposed to. I've gained a few pounds but I need to hit another 20 or more pounds as per my OB. 

Nowadays, I'd like to scribble on and answer pregnancy queries on smartparenting. I'm learning a lot from other mommies as well - from their worries (which are actually same with mine), excitement, best buys and symptoms. My tummy is getting heavier each day but I'm happy to report that I'm not constipated just yet. Hopefully I continue with my healthy pregnancy. I also can't wait to shop for the baby. I'm a wise shopper and sosyal stuff do not excite me. I'm more on comfortability. If I want my child to know modesty, I should be starting early. 

I'm happy to be getting a lot of support for my pregnancy - from friends, officemates, FEU people, and of course our family. I can't wait to see my baby and I can't imagine how my life will change once he/she is here with us making kulit


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